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About Me

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me and my approach to therapy. I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, raised by parents who fled the former Soviet Union as refugees. I identify as queer and nonbinary.

As a child, I grew up with the impact of intergenerational trauma woven into every aspect of family life. From some relatives, I learned viscerally what it is to be free and alive on the surface, while feeling trapped and dead inside. I also observed how, despite adversity, others managed to live lives full of connection, meaning, play, growth, and often joy. I developed an insatiable interest in psychology, which I pursued by reading a lot and talking to anyone who would listen about my questions: Why do we feel what we feel? How can we have better relationships? How come some people thrive in the face of adversity while others only survive? How do we free ourselves from the past, not just on the surface, but in a way that allows us to feel truly free and alive?

Growing up between two cultures, I have always been fascinated by how relationships, culture, social and political context influence our sense of well-being. Navigating the world with my intersecting identities, I know how alienating and painful it can be to be an outsider in a world that fears difference. I have also been lucky to experience the healing potential of authentic, deep human connection. My own therapy work showed me the power of a caring relationship within which to explore feelings, process past experiences, and find greater meaning, freedom, direction, and loving connection in life. My hope is that together we can create a space in which you feel safe, seen, and cared for, from which you can access your inner wisdom and power. I will walk alongside you as you pursue your goals, whatever they may be, encouraging and challenging you along the way as needed, helping you take risks and make the changes you wish to see in your life. 

Outside of my work, I love learning, relaxing, and being outside: jumping and floating in the lake, hanging out in trees, exploring in the mountains, and taking photos of the many tiny things in nature that fill me with awe. I also enjoy connecting with play and creativity: social dancing, magical kitchen experiments, making art, reading and writing, practicing yoga, playing guitar, and spending time with loved ones, furry and otherwise.

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